Tuesday 14 October 2008

Blackjack, minxes and a GSOH.

Alright dollface.

Before I say anything, have a look at this novel little sod:

Of course we would pay a mere £15 for Dame Viv's playing cards. Yeah, it's pure novelty value, but fuck it, if you can have Westwood cards, why would you put up with a pack from Toys'R' Us? Plus your friends will like you more for being their cooler, more frivolous counterpart. Everybody wins.

Anyways we should probably explain what this blog stands for. 
Firstly, we loves the fashion. We like it in the good way. Not in the "Omigod I wanna look like - insert shit 'fashion icon' here - because she always looks so good in my weekly Heat magazine." No. What we are about is something much better. We like things that are truly brilliant. The circus that is fashion. 
Secondly, we aim to entertain (a sense of humor is required). This is not to be confused with mocking the industry, hopefully you are intelligent enough to decipher between the two. 
Thirdly, there is no thirdly - bored of explaining. Introductions are the hardest bit to write. Just stay tuned you gorgeous little minx.

Love you, Miss you.

P.S: 'We' refers to me, and really should be replaced with 'I', but I hate typing 'I' this and 'me' that, eugh I'm already cringing and annoying myself - see? No fun is it? So we shall continue thusly...

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